The room within the room leads to THE twisting room or the elusive ”thing”
During the last decade and a half I’ve been devoted to the room within the room. In the sense of what is actually happening in one distinct place, at the very same time, is most often numerous of different activities. Each performed within its own room within one room. Therefor; one room is by no mean automatically a one event at a time-place. And, the energies of activities that’s been going on definietly remain in a sustained time echo. This space in time led me to believe that there absolutely is a hidden dimension that needs to be looked into.
In a world that is swirling its way forward in a constantly expanding universe – there definetly is such a thing as a twisting room. Although I cannot find it when googling the Internet – yet – I am certain that this is one of my fields trying to explore. I’m not going to do that in any observatory such as Mr. Hubble, nor in the world of digits, as Mr. Einstein did. Those two gentlemen were scientifical geniuses and I am certainly not. However, there definitely is proof of this spatially challenging ”thing” that I call the twisting room. Other more scientifical terms for this elusive ”thing”, would be dark matter or what’s beyond the event horizon.
There is nothing for me to physically attend in space. There is nothing for me to discover in the starry night sky. Neither should I get involved with digits as the matematicians do. No, my field when exploring the twisting room shall mainly be in the perceptual misleading two dimentional sphere of the canvas.
//Peder pP Strandh – ©reativist